Looking for #RR1 near you? Here is a list of our current retailers that carry a selection of our products.
- Kwik Trip Locations - Caramel Sea Salt, Cheddar Cheese, yellow popping corn
- Kwik Star Locations - Caramel Sea Salt, Cheddar Cheese, yellow popping corn
- Cenex SW Wisconsin Locations - Caramel Sea Salt Cheddar Cheese, Kettle Corn & Microwave Line
- Darlington, Dodgeville, Lancaster, Blue River, Boscobel & Gays Mills
- Cobb Food Mart - Cobb, Wisconsin
- Caramel Sea Salt, Cheddar Cheese & Kettle Corn
- Thompson's IGA - Cuba City, Wisconsin
- The Frozen Local - Spring Green, Wisconsin
- Burnett's Dairy - Grantsburg, Wisconsin
- Bierock Restaurant - Madison, Wisconsin
- New Glarus Brewing Company - New Glarus, Wisconsin
- Smith's Greenhouse (seasonally) - Fairmont, Minnesota
- Allegiant Oil - Montfort, Wisconsin
- The Friendly Place - Livingston, Wisconsin
- Cave of the Mounds (seasonally) - Blue Mounds, Wisconsin
- Pak N Mail - Lakeport, California
- Country View Dairy - Hawkeye, Iowa
- Block 23 - Plain, Wisconsin
- Fareway Stores in NE Iowa
- Hy-Vee Stores in NE Iowa
- Waters Edge Kitchen - Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
- Cambridge Market - Cambridge, Wisconsin
- Artemis Provisions - Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
- Piggly Wiggly in SW Wisconsin
- Stockholm Pie & General Store - Stockholm, Wisconsin
- Root Beer Revelry - Galena, Illinois
- Chippewa Store - Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
- Rustic Wraps & Northwoods Cheese - Madison, Wisconsin
- Hartig Drug - Galena, Illinois
- Caramel Sea Salt, Cheddar Cheese & Kettle Corn
- Family Beer & Liquor - East Dubuque, Illinois
- Caramel Sea Salt, Cheddar Cheese & Kettle Corn
- Field of Dreams (seasonally) - Dyersville, Iowa
- Caramel Sea Salt, Cheddar Cheese & Kettle Corn
- Woodman's Grocery Stores - Wisconsin
- 2# White and Yellow Popping Corn, Microwave Line
- Festival Food - Wisconsin
- 2# White and Yellow Popping Corn